Single Combined Union for Francheshini
(AGI) - Rome, 11 Mar. - "Trade union unity will inevitably come into being. How long it takes us to get there depends on the will of the union leaders and the calls of their membership. I think that today in Italy, as in an all modern democracies, there is a call for a united trade union front, strong, which defends the rights of workers and those who have lost their jobs, and pensioners, rather than suffering internal divisions.'' These were the words of Dario Franceschini on the topic of union unity. The PD (Democratic party) leader was interviewed from the Rai studios on 'Unomattina', added that ''history will undoubtedly lead in that direction, and for all that we are able to do, in our fully independent roles and with respect for reciprocal independence, we are headed towards a single combined union.''